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Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom
I'm Hannah, I'm a student who loves fashion, loves journalism and loves cheerleading. I have a bit of a fetish for all things strange, and as you have guessed i am myself rather odd. My blog is about anything that pops into my head and, of course, the fact that i have never been happy with myself.

Monday 26 April 2010

Estate agents...

Does anyone else find estate agents are the most frustrating people in the world?

I myself like to get things done rather quickly, I don’t rush, I do things properly but I do them as fast as I can so then it’s done and out of the way, especially if it’s something I’m doing for someone else.

Estate agents quite clearly do not have this personality trait. I moved into my current house on the 10th March 2010. It is a terrace house with an alley at the back, this alley has been gated and made into a communal area which I absolutely love, however this alley is the only way to put the rubbish bin out to be collected, and we are still waiting on a key for the alley gate!!

This, for us, means we either do not put our bin out (ewww gross!) or we have to drag the smelly big black rubbish bin through our house, down the steps at the front door and round the corner of the street to the side of the alley for the bin men to collect.

I ring the estate agents on a bi-daily basis to ask what is happening with the key, and every time I call I am told they are still waiting on the council to send it to them, this is the same council who I rang to tell them we had no bin and who then sent out the black bin plastic and paper bins within two days. Some how I don’t quite believe the estate agent.

Yes I agree councils can be very very slow, but they have proven to me that when it comes to waste management, they are very fast, so why pray tell, has my key not yet been received by the estate agents? Most probably because they haven’t ordered it!!

If you know any estate agents, please tell them to get a new job, if you are becoming one, quit and become a shop assistant, people won’t hate you as much.

Monday's food journal

Weight: 148
prebiotic drink
skinny ploughmans sandwitch 264 cal
double decker chocolate bar

Sunday's food journal

Weight: 147
x2 fruit salad
homemade potato wedges
steak and vegetables